You will need re-supply here before entering the Smokies. If youre staying out at the dam in the big shelter, or in Fontana Village, I absolutely suggest a good maildrop as the resupply offered at the Fontana Village store is spotty, overpriced, and incomplete, especially as hordes of starving thru-hikers have most likely pillaged the place before you got there. Other idea; if you stay at the very friendly Hike Inn Motel, the owners will shuttle you to nearby Robbinsville, where theres a real market. In any case, how much food you pack out of Fontana Dam is up to you, and primarily depends on whether you intend to go right thru the Smokies. If you dont plan to leave the Park for supplies at Gatlinburg, you will have to pack 5 7 days worth of food from Fontana, and the first day out is a killer. Make sure you know what your itinerary is when you leave Fontana Dam, and plan accordingly.
Fontana Dam Main Post Office, 50 Fontana Rd, Fontana Dam, NC 28733 |
Regular Business Hours:
Week Days 08:30AM-12:00PM 01:00PM-05:00PM Saturday 10:00AM-12:00PM |
Phone: 828-498-2315