This was the first of the Nantahala style shelters to be constructed. Built in the summer of 1994 by the NHC. This was a new shelter site giving some relief from the previous eleven-mile stretch between shelters. Water for this shelter is approximately 0.1 mile south, then 75 yards on blue blaze, from an excellent boxed spring, the former water source for the fire tower on Wesser Bald.
These most recent additions are three replacement shelters and a completely new one just North of Wesser Bald. These shelters are of a design called a "Nantahala Shelter" by the NHC. They are a modification of the traditional "Adirondack" type shelter which retains the three-sided construction, but has a considerably extended front roof-line providing a sheltered cooking and eating area, including a picnic table.
These shelters were designed by a committee of the NHC and are built of cedar logs manufactured and cut to our specifications. The logs and other building materials were air-lifted by helicopter to the remote shelter sites. The shelters were all cooperative efforts by the USFS and the NHC, with the NHC providing the construction labor and the building materials, and the USFS providing the air-lift and biological/archaeological impact studies.
Tentsites in a clearing where blue blaze heads to the shelter.
Sleeps 8. Privy.