The Paul C. Wolfe Shelter is an easy 5-mile walk south of Rockfish Gap. The shelter is fairly new and well designed with bunks, in a nice setting close to a rushing stream. Water comes from Mill Creek, and it may be possible to take a dip in one of the pools further down stream.
Sleeps 10. Privy is uphill. Several good tentsites.
There was a list of phone number for Waynesboro trail angels who will provide shuttles into town from Rockfish Gap.
The Paul C. Wolfe Memorial Shelter was built by ODATC members in 1991. It took approximately 30 people every weekend for two months to complete the shelter. Materials were hauled two miles by hand and tractor.
Paul Wolfe was an avid outdoorsman who left a portion of his estate to the ATC for construction of the shelter. The Wolfe family was present when the shelter was dedicated to Paul's memory in the fall of 1991.